Covid-19 Coronavirus Status
Addition June 3, 2020 5:53 AM
NSC Members
Please note the following insurance requirement:
It is imperative that ALL members and their guests check-in at the annex open-air office at every visit. It important that we know who is on site and that all guests sign waivers.
Updated April 29, 2020 5:54 AM
NSC Members
The NSC Board of Directors has approved a trial plan to allow shooting at NSC starting Saturday May 2nd.
(We will open for shooting regular hours, regular days 9:30-5 Wed-Sunday, starting Saturday)
Provided that our members and staff can follow stringent health and safety guidelines including social distancing, proper hygiene and common sense, this may be a template that we can build on until the Covid situation stabilizes.
While we want our members to enjoy some healthy outdoor fun, we urge all members with high-risk conditions or those with high-risk family at home to be smart, stay home and stay safe! Anyone with any symptoms or recent illness please help protect others and do not attend!
For everyone's safety it is crucial that we limit contact between staff and each other so this will be a bare bone, shooting only system.
We will have to stringently follow some simple rules. Please note:
NO guests will be permitted, members and immediate family only
ALL members will have to check in, to do this properly we will have to know who is on the property
ALL members will need to follow all social distancing, hygiene and safety rules and guidelines
What to expect:
The clubhouse will remain closed excepting the bathrooms (limit two people at a time) and limited use of the locker rooms. The kitchen will remain closed per Illinois State mandate. Outdoor seating and tables will be removed to limit congregating.
Shooting groups are limited to 3 persons, excepting immediate family
We will establish a touch-less system to allow members to buy targets, ammo and rent carts outside the clubhouse (available carts will be limited to single person use for safety and will be 1/2 price, no cart reservations, first-come-first served).
Members with targets on their cards can simply use their cards to shoot on all courses and fields after checking in. While we will have NSC shooting staff wiping the bagged buttons and touchable surfaces as best we can, we recommend that members bring their own wipes and/or spray, to disinfect surfaces as well. (Disinfectant wipes are in short supply, please bring some if you have them)
Members needing to purchase targets, ammo and rent carts will need to use the club "credit book system" We will not be accepting cash, checks or credit cards at the club. We will have a kiosk set up outside the clubhouse at the east annex entrance with pre-loaded new target cards and an assortment of ammo
We are asking members to call the club and fund their credit book accounts in advance of any purchases. We will have a cashier available by phone daily, starting Wednesday AM 9-5 (847/223-5700)
No large group shooting will be allowed, Games, winter skeet league and all events are suspended until further notice
Skeet and trap (no pullers) limited to 3 shooters per squad. Please shoot 1 round at a time only, first-come first-served, fields will not be reserved. Please be considerate of those waiting
All shooting groups are limited to 3 persons.
Everyone is expected to follow all current social distancing guidelines, always remember to keep at least 6 feet away from others and limit conversational groups.
Please be doubly considerate of others on the courses and fields, keep a sizable distance between squads and let other squads leave the station/field before approaching.
We appreciate your patience as we work through this difficult situation and more details will follow
Updated April 2, 2020 12:08 PM
NSC Members
Due to the recent Illinois State order, Northbrook Sports Club will remain closed until further notice.
While gun ranges and ammo suppliers have been deemed "essential", our Board of Directors agree that the club should remain closed for the safety of our members and employees.
Please note that the 2020 Great Western Skeet shoot has been cancelled and deposits will be returned in the near future.
The Board has appointed a smaller group of directors to research and monitor the situation, and to possibly make adjustments to our policies regarding this health crisis.
NSC Directors, Officers and management would also like to assure our members that the club is well-situated financially and is positioned to weather any financial consequences
We have been taking advantage of the down time and have been keeping many of our employees busy safely working on projects, your club will look great when you return!
We hope all of our members, employees, and their families stay healthy and we will keep you informed of reopening date as we learn more.
There will be no access to the club or grounds, and we will have security in place.
If you absolutely need to retrieve possessions from your locker or storage, please email info@northbrooksportsclub.org and we will make an appointment.
Updated March 20, 2020 6:31 PM
Due to today's Illinois State order,
Northbrook Sports Club will remain closed until April 8th
We hope all of our members and families stay healthy and we will keep you informed of reopening date as we learn more.
There will be no access to the club or grounds, and we will have security in place.
If you absolutely need to retrieve possessions from your locker or storage, please email info@northbrooksportsclub.org and we will make an appointment.